Thrale history

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Henry Merrik Hoare by Samuel Woodford.
Owner of original:
Date: 1790-1800

Owner of original:

Owner of original: David Thrale
Date: 1953

Owner of original: David thrale
Date: 1953

The postcard appears to feature the Little Barn and, if so, this would date the image to 1964 or later.
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'A turn of the cards'. Philip Wilson Steer. 1903.
"A turn of the cards". Philip Wilson Steer. 1903.
'According to Queeney' invitation.
'According to Queeney' invitation.
Invitation to 'According to Queeney' book signing and talk by author Beryl Bainbridge at Silver Moon Women's Bookshop on 26 September 2001.
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'Brewery House', 2024.
'Brewery House', 2024.
21-23 Park Street Southwark, London.
Owner of original: David Thrale
Date: 4 Jun 2024
51.50536934999997, -0.09262990385732561
'Brewery House', 2024.
'Brewery House', 2024.
21-23 Park Street Southwark, London.
Owner of original: David Thrale
Date: 4 Jun 2024
51.50536934999997, -0.09262990385732561
'Mark' of Thomas Thrale
'Mark' of Thomas Thrale
In this period, most people were illiterate, and used an "X" to mark their name on documents. However Thomas used the mark of the broad arrow to sign his agreement to his own will on 8 September 1600.

This mark has since been adopted as the logo for this website -
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'The biographers'
by James Sayers, published by Thomas Cornell
etching, published June 1786
'The biographers' by James Sayers, published by Thomas Cornell etching, published June 1786
10 3/4 in. x 7 5/8 in. (273 mm x 194 mm) plate size;
11 5/8 in. x 8 3/8 in. (295 mm x 214 mm) paper size
122 Brick Lane
122 Brick Lane
Owner of original: David Thrale
Date: 21 May 2017
51.5201943, -0.07173179999995227
122 Brick Lane
122 Brick Lane
Date: Jul 2012
1726 graffiti by a John Thrale
1726 graffiti by a John Thrale
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1881 centenary commemorative coin.
1881 centenary commemorative coin.
Date: 1881
20 Sion Hill, Bristol
20 Sion Hill, Bristol
51.455410400000005, -2.6242953776858844
20 Sion Hill, Clifton
20 Sion Hill, Clifton
Owner of original: David Thrale
Place: Clifton, Gloucestershire, England
2nd Lt. Notts Sherwood Rangers
2nd Lt. Notts Sherwood Rangers
31 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, London
31 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, London
Owner of original: David Thrale
Date: 21 May 2017
51.51853449999999, -0.07268490000001293
39 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, London
39 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, London
Owner of original: David Thrale
Date: 21 May 2017
51.518551, -0.07241410000005999
45 Brick Lane, Whitechapel
45 Brick Lane, Whitechapel
Date: Sep 2020
5 April 1893 receipt from 'To Thrale & Co'
5 April 1893 receipt from 'To Thrale & Co'
Veterinary Surgeons, Wellesley Road, Croydon, London
Date: 5 Apr 1893
51.375624200000004, -0.09761659999999998
56 Brick Lane, Spitalfields, London
56 Brick Lane, Spitalfields, London
Owner of original: David Thrale
Date: 21 May 2017
Place: 56 Brick Lane, london
51.5186641, -0.07139119999999366
6 Cyprus Street, Clerkenwell, London
6 Cyprus Street, Clerkenwell, London
Date: Apr 2015
Place: 20 Cyprus Street, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, England
78 West Street Brighton, 21st century.
78 West Street Brighton, 21st century.
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78 West Street, Brighton in 1865
78 West Street, Brighton in 1865
78 West Street is the double bow-fronted house to the left the New Brighton Arcade premises.
Date: 1865
Place: 78 West Street, Brighton, Sussex, England
50.8032931, -0.05848439999999755
78 West Street, Brighton, 1950s.
78 West Street, Brighton, 1950s.
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78 West Street, Brighton, 2006.
78 West Street, Brighton, 2006.
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78 West Street, Brighton, June 2023.
78 West Street, Brighton, June 2023.
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78 West Street, Brighton.
78 West Street, Brighton.
Place: 78 West Street, Brighton, Sussex, England
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8 Allcroft Road
8 Allcroft Road
8 Allcroft Road, Kentish Town, London
Date: 8 Jan 2021
8 Gay Street, Bath
8 Gay Street, Bath
51.38439859999997, -2.3634161000000002
A New Thraliana (1973)
A New Thraliana (1973)
A chronicle of the Thrale family of Hertfordshire by Richard William Thrale (1931-2007), building on the Thrale chapter from the 1952 book Historic Sandridge. Reproduced in full with consent of the author.
Owner of original: Richard William Thrale
Date: Dec 1973
['More Links'] 
A Newer Thraliana (2005)
A Newer Thraliana (2005)
The most comprehensive & recently updated book on the history of the Thrale family of Hertfordshire by Richard William Thrale (1931-2007).
Owner of original: Richard William Thrale
Date: 2005
According to Queeney
According to Queeney
Beryl Bainbridge book cover, 2001. See main article.
Date: 2001
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According to Queeney (2001).
According to Queeney (2001).
According to Queeney is a ‘faction’ account of Hester Maria Thrale by Beryl Bainbridge, published in 2001. This is my contemporary account of discovering the book and the book itself.
At no cost, we also have the TV programme According to Beryl, about Queeney, Johnson and the Thrale family and is based on the book.
Account of Henry Thrale's mourning tablet at St Leonards Church
Account of Henry Thrale's mourning tablet at St Leonards Church
Reprinted in Gentleman's Magazine in May 1784.
Owner of original: Gentleman's Magazine
Date: May 1784
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Admiral George Keith Elphinstone
Admiral George Keith Elphinstone
Portrait of Admiral George Keith Elphinstone, GCB, 1st Viscount Keith, by George Sanders. Oil on canvas. 76.20 x 63.50 cm. (30 x 25 in.). Painted c. 1825
Date: Abt. 1825
Aged about 20 - 25
Aged about 20 - 25
Owner of original: David Thrale
Alf Tobutt
Alf Tobutt
On his 92nd birthday
Owner of original: Jonathan Tobutt
Date: 21 Oct 2012
Alf with son Jonathan his 92nd birthday on 29 September 2012
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Date: 29 Sep 2012
Alwen Thrale
Winner of the Newmarket Town Plate, a women only race, on 22 October 1937, riding her father's horse Jimmy's Pet
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Date: 22 Oct 1937
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Alwen Thrale
(At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Date: 22 Oct 1937
Place: Newmarket, Suffolk, England
52.237887026093176, 0.37349375027208326
An entertainment in Vauxhall Gardens by Thomas Rowlandson in 1784
An entertainment in Vauxhall Gardens by Thomas Rowlandson in 1784
The box in the bottom left of the image depicts a supper box at a concert containing: James Boswell; Hester Lynch Thrale; Dr. Samuel Johnson; and Oliver Goldsmith.
Owner of original:,_Oliver_Goldsmith,_Mary_Robinson,_et_al.jpg
Date: 1784
Place: vauxhall gardens
51.4886163, -0.12071449999996275
Anchor Brewery by G Yates in 1826
Anchor Brewery by G Yates in 1826
Date: 1826
Place: Anchor Brewery, Southwark, Surrey, England
Anchor Brewery c.1826.
Anchor Brewery c.1826.
Owner of original: London Metropolitan Archives
Date: 1826
Anchor brewery circa 1785
Anchor brewery circa 1785
Owner of original: Source: A draught of contentment by John Pudney.Image 15.
Date: 1785
Place: Anchor Brewery, Southwark, Surrey, England
Anchor Brewery compound plan.
Anchor Brewery compound plan.
Date unknown.
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Anchor brewery fire in 1832 by William Clarkson Stanfield
Anchor brewery fire in 1832 by William Clarkson Stanfield
A painting of a disastrous fire in 1832 at the Anchor Brewery on Bankside by William Clarkson Stanfield. Purchased by Guildhall Art Gallery on 22 July 2009 for £4,375.
Owner of original:
Date: 1832
Place: Anchor Brewery, Southwark, Surrey, England
Anchor brewery plaque
Anchor brewery plaque
Park Street, Southwark
Place: Anchor Brewery, Southwark, Surrey, England
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