Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1700 | - 1700—1700: Population in England and Scotland approx 7.5 million
2 | 1701 | - 1701—1701: Act of Settlement bars Catholics from the British throne
- 23 May 1701—23 May 1701: After being convicted of piracy and murdering William Moore, Captain
William Kidd hanged in London
3 | 1702 | - 8 Mar 1702—8 Mar 1702: Anne Stuart becomes Queen
- 11 Mar 1702—11 Mar 1702: First English daily newspaper The Daily Courant (till 1735)
4 | 1703 | - 4 Aug 1703—4 Aug 1703: British take Gibraltar
- 24 Nov 1703—24 Nov 1703: Climate: Most violent storms of the millennium cause vast damage
across southern England - about a third of Britain's merchant fleet lost, and Eddystone
lighthouse destroyed on 27 November (Nov 24 - Dec 2)
5 | 1704 | - 1704—1704: Penal Code enacted - Catholics barred from voting, education and the military
- 13 Aug 1704—13 Aug 1704: Battle of Blenheim
6 | 1705 | - 1705—1705: First workable steam pumping engine devised by Thomas Newcomen (some say c1710
or 1711)
- 1705—1705: Isaac Newton knighted (for his work at the Royal Mint)
7 | 1706 | - 1706—1706: First evening newspaper The Evening Post' issued in London
8 | 1707 | - 16 Jan 1707—16 Jan 1707: Union with Scotland - Scots agree to send 16 peers and 45 MPs to English
Parliament in return for full trading privileges - Scottish Parliament meets for the last time in
- 1 May 1707—1 May 1707: English and Scottish Parliaments united by an Act of the English Parliament -
The Kingdom of Great Britain established - largest free-trade area in Europe at the time
9 | 1708 | - 1708—1708: First Jacobite rising in Scotland
- 1708—1708: Earliest Artillery Muster Rolls
10 | 1709 | - 1709—1709: Second Eddystone lighthouse completed
- 1709—1709: First Copyright Act pass
- 1709—1709: Bad harvests throughout Europe - bread riots in Britain
- 2 Feb 1709—2 Feb 1709: Alexander Selkirk rescued from shipwreck on a desert island, inspiring the book
Robinson Crusoe (published in 1719) by Daniel Defoe
11 | 1710 | - 1710—1710: Tax on Apprentice Indentures introduced
12 | 1711 | - 1711—1711: Incorporation of South Sea Company, in London
- 11 Aug 1711—11 Aug 1711: First race meeting at Ascot
13 | 1712 | - 1712—1712: Imposition of Soap Tax (abolished 1853)
- 1712—1712: Last trial for witchcraft in England (Jane Wenham)
- 1712—1712: Toleration Act passed - first relief to non-Anglicans
14 | 1713 | - 1713—1713: By this year there are some 3,000 coffee houses in London