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In the mean Time here’s an Italian Copy of Verses written to a Lady with an English Watch.
Oh d’ Anglia nata su l’esterne rive,
Macchinetta gentile, onde l’eterna
Virtù motrice misurando alterna
L ’Ore diurne, è della Luce priva.
Su le tue ruote assiso il Tempo vive,
Ed i tuoi giri equabili governa,
Che poi distinti su la faccia esterna
Volubil Freccia in Numeri descrive.
Escon, divise intanto ad una ad una
L’ore fugace, e mentre fuor sen v,ola
Col suono accusa il suo partir ciascuna.
Deh! fra tante che tiscono dal Seno
Macchinetta gentile, un’ ora sola
Segna, un’ ora per me felice almeno.Translation.
Oh skill’d to measure Day & Night,
Small, elegant Machine;
On which to pore with fix’d Delight
Britannia’s Sons are seen.2.
Time; fell Destroyer holds his Place
Triumphant o’er thy Wheels;
And on the fair enamell’d Face
Imprints each Hour he steals.3.
While one by’ one the Moments fly
Touch’d by thy magic Wand;
Each still accusing with a Sigh
Dull Duty’s lingering Hand:4-.
Wouldst thou from thy prolifick
Breast One Hour to me assign;
Willing to Fate I’d yield the rest,
That Hour of Bliss be mine!
Verses "Lady with an English watch" by Hester Lynch Thrale
Written by Hester Lynch Thrale. Thraliana entry dated 21 January 1782.
Linked to | Thraliana by Hester Lynch Thrale; Hester Lynch SALUSBURY |
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