Thrale history

Thraliana by Hester Lynch Thrale


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These verses are about her husband Henry Thrale and record her admiration for her husband.

Thraliana dated 1 February 1782.

Thrali gentil, che qual Astro ridente
Sei dell’ Anglio Ciel gloria e splendore,

E qual novello albor dal Mar sorgente
Tanta luce diffonde e tanto Onore’:
I primi Rai di tua Virtù nascente
Febo coperse di celeste Ardore,
Scese Minerva, e Giove onnipossente
Per arrichir di si gran Vita il fiore.
Atropo stessa, oltre ’l dover pietosa
Chiude il ferro fatale e Iieta in Volto
Lachesi volge il fil de’ Giorni tuoi
Cosi colei, che fù feconda Sposa
Splender vedrà di Lacero il Crine avvolto,
Di Figlie i Figli infra Britanni Eroi.


Virtuous Thrale, who like a smiling star
Are the glory and splendour of the English sky,

And like a new dawn rising from the sea
Shed so much light and so much honour:
The first rays of your nascent virtue
Phoebus covered with celestial ardour,
Minerva descended, and all-powerful Jupiter
To enrich the flower of such a great life.
Atropos herself, beyond the duty pious
Closes the fatal iron and joyful in face
Lachesis turns the thread of your days
So she, who was a fertile bride
Will see the hair of Lacero wrapped in splendour,
Of daughters the sons among British heroes.

Verses "Sonetto dal Povoleri alla Sigra Thrale" by Hester Lynch Thrale

Date1 Feb 1782
Linked toThraliana by Hester Lynch Thrale; Hester Lynch SALUSBURY

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