Thrale history

31 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, Middlesex, England

31 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, Middlesex, England


» Place: 31 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, Middlesex, England     1 2 3 Next»     » Slide Show

Mr & Mrs M Abrahams


Mr & Mrs J B Block

Request the company of ____ on Sunday August 2nd, 1931 to celebrate the Marriage of Miss Lily Abrahams to Mr Henry Block at Goides Restaurant 54 High Street, Whitechapel, E1.

Ceremony at the Great Synagogue , 262 Commercial Road, E1 at 2pm

Dimmer 7pm Buffet & Ball 9.30pm

RSVP Bride 31 Fashion Street, Brisk Lane, E1. Bridegroom 163 Romford Street, New Road, E1.

Wedding invitation

Henry Block and Leah Abrahams

Owner of originalDavid Thrale
Date2 Aug 1931
File name1931-08-02-block-abrahams-wedding-invitation.jpg
File Size280.79k
Dimensions1451 x 2065
Linked to31 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, Middlesex, England; Great Synagogue, 262 Commercial Road, Stepney, Middlesex, England; Family: Block/Abrahams (F182) (Married)

» Place: 31 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, Middlesex, England     1 2 3 Next»     » Slide Show