Thrale history
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From a family history perspective, the exciting thing about the will is that it bears Thomas Thrale's unique mark. When I first saw his mark in July 2004 I was astounded to see that his mark was nothing like the `X` mark commonly used by illiterate individuals but instead was the mark of a Broad Arrow.

This is an important discovery. It provides evidence of the Thrale Broad Arrow legend from Queen Elizabeth I's lifetime. Queen Elizabeth I, did not die until 24 March 1603, almost three years after Thomas Thrale made his broad arrow mark on his will.
All other previously known references to this family legend arrow did not occur until 280 years later in the late 19th century. This mark was made on 8 September 1600, about 40 years after Queen Elizabeth I's life was saved and just 42 years or so since the Royal Grant of the Broad Arrow was made to the Thrale family.
In the name of God Amen, the viiith of September, in the xlith of her Mtis1 most happie reighne 1600.
I Thomas Thrale the younger of the Parish of Sandridge wthin2 the Countie of Hertf. Yeoman>
beinge sicke of bodie but of sound remembrance praise be to Almightie god, do make and ordaine this
my last will and testament in manner and forme followynge. First and above all after dying, I
bequeath my soul into the hands of Almightie god who made it, hath revived it, and will raise
it upp at the latter daye, and I confidently trust, make it partake of everlasting glorie. Item
my bodie & will to be buried in the Graveyard of Sandridge. And touching the disposition of my worldly
goods my will and true meaning it as follows: Impremis3
children xx4 pounds apiece to be paved but evervie of them as they shall come to the age of xxi5 years
provided always that if any of them shall disease6 before the sayd age, that then the legacy
or legacies of the diseased shall be devided to the survivors. Item all the rest of my goods & chattels
moveables and unmoveables (my debts and funeral expemses discharged) I gyve and bequeath
unto Helen my wiffe whom I make the sole exectrix of this my last will and testament. Amen
I request of my father Thomas Thrale and my brother John Thrale to be overseerse of this
last will and testament.
Signed Thomas Thrale junior
John Clark
1 Majesty's.2 within.
3 Latin for first or foremost.
4 20
5 21
6 Pre-decease.
7 The Parish Priest.
Thomas Thrale's will (d.1600)
Will dated 8 September 1600
Owner of original | Hertfordshire Archive and Library Service |
Date | 1600 |
Longitude | 10 |
File name | thomas_thrale_died_sept_1600_his_will.png |
File Size | 270.83k |
Dimensions | 1570 x 1113 |
Linked to | Nomansland, Sandridge, Hertfordshire, England; Thomas THRALE (Will) |
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