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- Walter G Thrall#s 1862 Genealogy book, says of Timothy ... "Timothy 1st, the son of Justus, was of pure morals, a jovial companion, a Judge of the Common Pleas Court, and a deacon in the church. He served three years as a sergeant in the army of the Revolution.
During his service the following circumstance happened: He and his brother Lemuel, and Amasa Howe, were companions in the army at the south. While there Timothy was taken very sick with the small pox, and was confined in the hospital. During his sickness the army, with Lemuel Rose and Mr. Howe, marched to the north. Some time after, one Watson, an acquaintance of theirs who was left in the hospital with Timothy, joined the army where Lemuel and Howe were. He had a quantity of TimothyÂ’s clothing, and other articles, and said that Timothy died in the hospital, and gave the articles to him for taking care of him. Lemuel wrote to the friends in Granville. informing them of the death of Timothy. The friends deeply mourned his death, and his funeral sermon was preached. Some weeks after, some troops marched into camp, and Timothy, the brother and companion for whom they had mourned as dead, was one of them. Lemuel and Howe stated what Watson had told them. He replied that Watson expected he would die, and stole his things.
Timothy was a prominent leader in the church after they settled in Granville, Ohio, until a clergyman was procured."
- (Medical):Suffered smallpox whilst in the army