Thrale history
Matches 1 to 50 of 996
# | Notes | Linked to |
1 | ! Brazilla was 70 years and Electa was 18 years old when they were married. After his death Electa married his son (of his former marriage),Elisha. Elisha's 1st wife was Electa's sister-Vilona. | ELLIS, Brazilla (I82)
2 | ! Other records show birthdate as 1735. | THRALL, Sarah (I252)
3 | !notes: A second set of ordinance dates show BT as 16 May 1951 SGEOR. And E as 31 May 1951 and no temple location. | SHARP, Orsevilla Emily (I52)
4 | "A lovely man" | WELLS, Alfred (I1487)
5 | "Agnes Keturah Brown daughter present at the death" is named as the informant on his death certificate, which was registered on 17 August 1899. Her address is given as The Swan, Wheathampstead. | MCCULLOCH, John (I1157)
6 | "Dr Sylvester Spelman resides in Granville, Ohio; he is a worthy member of the Baptist Church, is wealthy and respectable." Walter G Thralls Genealogy book 1862 | SPELMAN, Sylvester (I375)
7 | "He was a pious and talented clergyman in the same denomination" [Congregational] ... Walter G Thrall 1862 | ROSE, Samuel (I649)
8 | "Left a large family and is described as a yeoman of Hoggesdon". | Family: John THRALE / (F453)
9 | "Moses Thrall was located in Ellington, Connecticut, USA about 1790, and had his home near where the depot building stands. A large land owner and man of wealth, he was of a generous deposition and through his kind-heartedness, lost much of his wealth, so that at the time of his death, he was only in moderate circumstances". Source D Stephen Thrall's Genealogy of the Thralls 1630 - 1965. | THRALL, Moses Jr. (I241)
10 | "Rev. Officer and a prominent man". His children received part of the estate of Mrs Sarah (Allyn) Thrall, their grandmother. | STRONG, John (I972)
11 | "Walter G Thrall's 1862 genealogy says ... "Died April 4, 1844, in West Rutland, Chauncey Thrall Esq., aged 72 years. The inhabitants of this place have been called of late to mourn the departure of an unusual number of leading men; men who have occupied such stations, and taken such a part in the affairs of the community as to cause their deaths to be universally felt and lamented. The deceased was one of that number. The equanimity of his temper, and his uniform kindness as a father, can be realized only by those who sustained to him the relation of children, and are left to lament their loss. But as a citizen and a Christian, his example has been before all, and was such as to gain the respect and love of his neighbors, and inspire them with the hope that death did not find him unprepared." D Stephen Thrall's, Thall genealogy on page 41 says ... "Chauncy was a real squire in West Rutland, Vermont, and was Justice and Rep. to Legislature.". | THRALL, Chauncy (I356)
12 | (Medical):1916 - became a victim of Polio, never walking again. | THRALL, Alice Rodger (I2633)
13 | (Medical):Died before Evelyn | SHERLOCK, John (I2981)
14 | (Medical):Drowned | PHINNEY, Ansel (I2214)
15 | (Medical):Had stroke whilst in Italy with his wife | THRALL, Henry Dutton (I2373)
16 | (Medical):He died in his bed of diabetes | THRALL, Reuben Roland (I467)
17 | (Medical):Invalid for many years | THRALL, Harriett Mulford (I2386)
18 | (Medical):See attached sources. | THRALL, Melville Horne (I179)
19 | (Medical):See attached sources. | THRALL, Luther (I415)
20 | (Medical):See attached sources. | THRALL, Reverend Stephen Chipman (I466)
21 | (Medical):See attached sources. | THRALL, Sheldon (I1495)
22 | (Medical):See attached sources. | THRALL, George (I1497)
23 | (Medical):See attached sources. | THRALL, John Eberly (I1723)
24 | (Medical):Suffered smallpox whilst in the army | ROSE, Timothy (I550)
25 | (Medical):Walter G Thrall's 1862 Genealogy book says ... "Aurelius was killed about the year 1831, by the falling of a bank of earth on him, while he was working near it." This was in a quarry. | THRALL, Aurelius (I387)
26 | (Medical):Walter G Thrall's 1862 Genealogy book says ... "Samuel was killed about the year 1832, by the kick of a horse." | THRALL, Samuel Monroe I (I388)
27 | (Medical):Was a big man, weighing 230 pounds or more. | THRALL, Joseph G (I1524)
28 | (Medical):Was a healthy woman all her life. | MULLIKEN, Harriet (I470)
29 | (Medical):Went blind aged 90 | ?, Abigail (I526)
30 | 10048 Walnut Street | THRALL, Maude E (I2640)
31 | 149 Jefferson Avenue | THRALL, Franklin Vernon (I3003)
32 | 15:15 hrs | DALEY, Carmen Ileen (I454)
33 | 1st mounted troop "Dragoons" during King Philip's war | MOSES, John (I734)
34 | 2128 W. Clinch Avenue | JONES, Carrie F (I2329)
35 | 2nd daughter | MOSTYN, Elizabeth (I559)
36 | 4 months before birth date! | GUNN, Deborah (I228)
37 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | STONE, James Newton (I2836)
38 | 52 Clyde Avenue | THRALL, Clyde Lowell (I2984)
39 | 6' 2.5" tall, broad shouldered and narrow-hipped, over two hundred pounds. He retained excellent physical condition until he was past 80 years old, good enough condition break a colt. He had bright blue deep-set eyes, light brown hair and a fine tenor singing voice. He sat in the choir most of his life and played tuba in a band. The choirs and bands changed but he kept his firm opinions about music. | THRALL, Reuben Roland (I467)
40 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | WELDS, Orion Kwame (I2144)
41 | 749 Wisconsin Avenue, S.W. Huron, South Dakota, USA | BISTODEAUX, Caroline (I2394)
42 | 77 Bellevue Avenue | THRALL, Charlotte Elizabeth (I2742)
43 | 796 Bellows Avenue | DUFFY, Rebecca (I2751)
44 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | THRALE, David Henry (I364)
45 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | THRALE, Stacey Donald (I365)
46 | 8th of 16 children | WOOD, David (I1312)
47 | 95 Christopher Street | THRALL, Marion Sharrot (I3000)
48 | 953 Spring Street | Family: Robert McDowell THRALL / Natalie Elizabeth HUNTER (F1068)
49 | Hester Thrale speculated that that Jeremiah Crutchley might be her husband Henry’s natural son. However, every reliable source sustains Jeremiah’s legitimacy and Henry’s honourable care and oversight of Jeremiah as his guardian and replacement father figure. | CRUTCHLEY, Jeremiah M.P. (I699)
50 | Hence Martha died before adulthood. | THRALE, Martha (I1366)